Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Camp Cottage

The following dream hasn't been as exciting as past ones that I've had but I thought I'd still put it out there anyway.

I'm still not dreaming properly as my sleeping pattern has gone completely out from going to bed late when spending time with friends from the weekend...sorry guys but life overrules :)


The first part I can remember I was at a camp (my girlfriends parents run a camp four times a year), I presumed it was the same place as there were familiar faces around with children.  The building I started off in was in a rectangle shape cut off half way with that room being a kind of open hall like room with kids drawings and craft work on the walls.

The second half had a kitchen with metal benches and a window looking outside, south of the kitchen was a dining area where there were a few people sitting around talking.  I walked around for a bit and talked to a few people, I can't recall the exact conversations.

Back out in the main empty hall there was a door with steps going outside to some cabins that were about 5m away from the main camping building, the cabins were small square buildings green painted with corrugated iron roofing (sounds like they look like crap but really they didn't).  There were some people outside one which were having a conversation about me which made me feel uncomfortable so I decided to go back inside and headed for the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen my girlfriend was there and I was telling here that I was leaving because of what these people had been saying and talking about, she tried to convince me otherwise.  Suddenly the others came in and told me that no I HAD to stay and couldn't leave this area for some reason.  Me being the stubborn person that I am told them to "F" off to say the least and left out a back door that was outside the kitchen.

This area south of the main building was surrounded with a nice garden kind of waving around the building supported by an edge of rocks and mulch/bark.  I saw one of my friends coming from the west who was going to help me escape, as he caught up with me I looked to the east to see the entrance/exit of the camp which was surrounded by trees either side with a gravel road going down the middle.

Suddenly from there people came on choppers (bikes) to try stop me from leaving, they were trying to be all tough and intimidating which I found hilarious at the time.  I looked at my friend and tried to decide what to do in this situation so I turned around and looked, to the south appeared a large river with a bridge going over it.

We decided this was the best escape the went over the bridge, the river went downstream into a lake surrounded by massive trees, there was also green grass all around us too.  On the other side of the bridge was a path that lead upwards onto a small hilly area to a house, the path had light stones on it and to the side tussocks with a mixture of flowers and all sorts.

Arriving at the house the entrance had a massive tree/bush laying across the top of it which was quite attractive.  I knocked on the door and hoped someone was there as the others were chasing us and crossing the bridge but didn't see us go around near the house....well the house was more a cottage.  An old lady answered the door and let us in.

I can't really describe the detail of the cottage inside but i'll try my best, everything inside of it was old looking but in pristine condition, the walls were dark logs mixed with varnished dark brown wood, the floors had rugs, the table was carved and the mugs and everything were made of clay.

I asked the lady if she had somewhere we could hide and she hid us in a room somewhere in the house, this is where the dream ended.  I woke up to find myself wondering about this lady and how she appeared in my dream.

At this point I really wish I could draw or be an artist :)


  1. great post !

    following & supporting you.
    take care.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh man, you don't want to know what my dream entailed last night.. Pretty sure I got into a fist fight with shakespiere after having one of my girlfriends friends sit on my face, I absolutely decimated him which felt weird as with each punch he resembled my father for a flicker, who I love to bits.

    I have some crazy ass dreams.

  4. Very cool dream. I love the epic ones like this. I just recently had one where I was wondering how to escape out of this hotel/apartment building while aliens and the EU army (in America) were fighting outside with UFOs and robots. Following and supporting.

  5. I once had a dream I was torturing african schoolchildren, but when i woke up the cat would not come anywhere near me, and he hasn't been seen since...

  6. losing your sleep pattern will throw off your rem cycles....SUcks

  7. Very cool idea for a blog, sounds like a pretty epic dream. XD

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. enjoyed your post. I love my dreams.

  10. Can we make comments about interpreting your dreams? I think that could be fun but it's also just nice to read them.

  11. how do you remember dreams so well? i forget them almost every night

  12. I'm with salty, I can hardly remember a dream ten minutes after I wake up :(

  13. I wish I could remember dreams as well as you.

  14. Dreaming is great. Especially when you can remember them so clearly. Awesome read. Thanks.

  15. I really wish I could remember my dreams, or even tiny bit of them but when I wake up, i'm all empty. Also you seem to lack the skills of drawing aswell, now there's two of us then :(

  16. i try and write my dreams in a diary sometimes.. only cause i wanna try lucid dreaming.

  17. It's hard for me to remember my dreams D:

  18. It's never too late to learn how to draw or paint, so why not get started? :D

  19. How can you remember so much detail in your dreams? I barely remember mine, but I could just be a forgetful person.

  20. one time I had a dream about snoop dog doing a rock song. lol.

  21. Thanks for visiting me, not a bad post of yours either =D

  22. you should look up what it could mean

  23. awesome dreams you have i love reading them

  24. Interesting dream!
    Dreams are always awesome, especially long ones about a journey or something like that.

  25. Dreams always trip me out. If I dream I usually spend the rest of the day trying to figure it out.

  26. ever analyzed your dreams, much useful information there

  27. Interesting dream, your recollections are getting even more vivid. Do you feel a bit tired after a lot of Lucid Dreaming? Or even just a little bit more drained than usual?

  28. Wow that could be an insight into your future!
    They say dreams are very powerful and actually relate to your life! Ask a dream person what it means maybe they can help you too.
    Mesty =)

  29. dreams are always so wierd in thier own way
    i wish i remembered more of my dreams, everytime i wake up its like my dream data had been stored on RAM, wiped clean
